french bulldog itching head.

Is your pet’s daily routine disrupted by bouts of scratching, licking, sneezing, and wheezing? If so, pet allergies may be to blame. Odessa’s warm climate means that certain allergens can bug our pets year-round, but our team is here to help. At Caring Paws Animal Hospital, we take pet allergies and dermatology seriously. We can pinpoint the culprit that’s pestering your pet and provide the treatment needed to alleviate that nasty itch! Keep reading to learn more about the causes of allergies and what to avoid for allergens as a pet owner.

What are the Causes of Allergies in Pets

Pets can be allergic to substances in their environment, to foods, and to flea bites. Be on the lookout for these common causes of allergies in pets.

Environmental Triggers 

Pet allergies can stem from substances our pets are exposed to in their everyday surroundings, whether it’s inside the home or something found in the backyard.

Examples of environmental allergens include: 

  • Pollen 
  • Grass 
  • Trees
  • Mold spores
  • Dust mites 
  • The dander of another animal
  • Bird feathers
  • Synthetic fabrics
  • Household items like air fresheners, perfumes, or cleaning   products

Food Allergies in Pets 

Just as with people, pets can have an allergic reaction to nearly any food ingredient, but some ingredients are more likely than others to trigger an allergic reaction. 

Top food allergens for dogs: 

  • Meats, particularly beef and chicken
  • Dairy
  • Eggs
  • Wheat
  • Soy  

Top food allergens for cats: 

  • Meats, especially fish, beef, and lamb
  • Dairy
  • Eggs
  • Wheat

Flea Bites

Flea saliva can trigger an extremely itchy case of flea allergy dermatitis in sensitive pets. Because excessive scratching can quickly lead to a skin infection, pets should be protected against fleas year-round.

Learn How to Spot the Signs of Allergies in Pets

Pet allergies can cause an array of symptoms. Watch for these typical signs of pet allergies:

  • Irritated skin
  • Hair loss
  • Tummy trouble like vomiting or diarrhea 

How to Treat Pet Allergies

For pets diagnosed with allergies, knowing what to avoid for allergens as a pet owner is critical. When avoidance isn’t feasible, the administration of allergy treatments and/or medications may be needed. Here are some things you can do to help mitigate your pet’s allergies: 

  • Stay up-to-date with your pet’s wellness visits and flea preventives. 
  • Serve your pet an allergy-friendly, veterinarian-approved diet. 
  • Wash your pet’s paws after trips outdoors.
  • On rainy or extra humid days, limit exposure to mold and mildew by keeping your pet indoors (except for potty breaks). 
  • Use treatments and medications as recommended by your veterinarian. These might include allergy serums, skin creams, omega 3-6-9 supplements, and medicated shampoos. 

If you suspect that your pet has allergies, please contact us (813) 723-7297, and our team will put your pet on the path to allergy relief.